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For a foodie… By a Foodie

Home Food
Onions vs. Emotions: The Battle for Tear Supremacy!

It's a question that has plagued humanity for centuries. Why do onions make us cry? Is it because they're secretly plotting against us? Or do they just enjoy making us weep uncontrollably?


Well, the truth is a bit less dramatic than that. Onions contain a chemical compound called syn-propanethial-S-oxide, which is released when you cut into them. This compound irritates the eyes and causes tears to form as a natural defense mechanism. But why does it has to be so darn potent? Can't onions just chill out a little bit?


We asked some onions for their thoughts on the matter, but they just stared back at us with their beady little eyes. So, until we figure out a way to genetically engineer a tearless onion, we'll just have to suffer through the tears. Or, you know, wear goggles or use the new age choppers while we chop. Either way works!


In conclusion, onions make us cry but we love them anyway, because they make everything taste so darn good.



Mukesh Agrawal

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