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For a foodie… By a Foodie

Home Food
Home Dine-in: Looking towards a greater experience than just the food?

Food, the word itself holds different meaning for different individuals. For some it means happiness, for some warmth & love and for others it just means nostalgia. As we bid adieu to our day in the hectic work life of city, food has always been a source of comfort to us. Having that home cooked meal while chatting with our people over the table serves as source of calmness in the chaos.

Foodizo serves behind this idea of home dining. It serves a greater experience than just the food.

Dining out in someone's home provides a great way to bond with new people through their cuisines. It gives an insight to their world. Eating together sparks great conversations. With each individual comes their ideologies, lifestyle, history.  Relishing an authentic meal together brings all of that! It all together provides a new perspective as we get to know people of different races, genders and socioeconomic status. We tend to see them as more equals than in any other social scenarios thus reducing inequalities.

A great dish doesn't have to come from fancy restaurants to give us the sense of happiness, instead eating together, though a small act turns into the happiest time of the day.

George Bernard Shaw said it well: “There is no love sincerer than the love of food".

As the lifestyle is changing many can't afford to stay at home, having a meal at a home where you get the authentic taste of their culture. The idea itself seems satiating.

Come and explore with us this beautiful world of authentic dining.

Bon Appetit.


Alka Rungta

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